Last updated: Monday, August 18, 2008
Rotary and the LN-4 Prosthetic Hand
in Colombia
May 17 - May 30, 2007
Victor Georgiou, RC Danville, and I, RC Walnut Creek Sunrise,
traveled Colombia in May. We went to Cali, for the 4880 District
Conference, to Pereira where we visited the three Rotary Clubs and an
orphanage, to Bogotá and Cartagena. I promoted the LN-4 prosthetic hand project possibilities to Rotarians at the conference in Cali, and I was honored to present the LN-4 program to each of the Pereira Rotary Clubs. The Rotary Club of Cali San Fernando is working with the Foundacion Ideal, a disability center in Cali, to organize a distribution event in January 2008. The 3 clubs of Pereira are doing some similar in their area. After these projects are successful, there are Rotary clubs in Bogotá and Medellin which are already watching and interested. Victor explored a Wheelchair Foundation project and a clean water project. The Rotary Club of Pereira Perla del Otun made both of us honorary members of the club. Both of us enjoyed being hosted by the many families of Rotarians while in Pereira. We, both, had a great experience, and we met and worked with many friends and Rotarians in Colombia. Both of us are looking forward to returning and to developing the connection between our clubs here and the clubs in Colombia.
The trip was a wonderful success. I will include photos here soon.